Baker County has 65 available acres in its Elkhorn View Industrial Park to accommodate your business.
Baker County has reliable and efficient utilities available to meet your business needs.
Whether by air, interstate or rail Baker County is an intermodal hub to the Pacific Northwest.
Find out local employment numbers and labor force statistics.
The Union Pacific Railroad East-West Main Line parallels Interstate 84 and offers multiple rail spur connections to meet your intermodal transportation needs.
Union Pacific Railroad is prepared to ship just about anything from Baker County: aggregate, concrete, food and forest products and many other bulk commodities. Contact Union Pacific Railroad today to learn about shipping opportunities originating from Baker County.
Baker County is strategically located along Interstate 84, offering multiple, strategic ramps for easy access to our commercial and industrial building sites.
Baker City Municipal Airport is located approximately three miles north of Baker City.
The Baker City Municipal Airport provides a full line of aeronautical services such as fuel (Jet A and 100LL), flight instruction, aircraft rental, charter, and maintenance.
Contact Baker Aircraft today to learn about avaiation opportunities originating from Baker County.